Sadder-Wiser is a household brand that creates learning resources for people living today.

The Sadder-Wiser Household Guides are an ongoing series of zines, quick references to everyday food science, culture & organization. These zines are hand-bound, little books, and each edition comes with supplemental info cards for posting in your home kitchen.

My name is Siri, and I am behind it all ⭐️

Sadder-Wiser began in 2019 while I was working as a baker in MN at Baker's Field Flour & Bread. During my time outside of the bakery, I began researching and writing about leavening. When we moved to Washington at the end of 2019, I put together a zine called Creating Crumb. Throughout 2020, I continued writing and planning, eventually developing Sadder-Wiser and Household Guides 1-5.

 Zine is pronounced “zeen” like the end of magazine