Regional Directory of Grain Farm, Mill and Bakery Businesses

who specialize in sustainability, fresh flour and naturally leavened baking

Find here a directory by region - then by state - of currently operating farms, mills and bakeries in the U.S. who among their diversity in business, all share an investment in sustainable practices and working with fresh flour. This list cannot be shared without crediting the other similar lists that already exist on the web. There are many passionate educators within the grain-flour-baking culture. Amy Halloran helped lead me to some resources in the making of this directory, thank you Amy!

Amy Halloran’s Website

Artisan Grain Collaborative

Grinder Finder for small, regional grain mills

New American Stone Mill’s portfolio of flour mill locations

Thousand Bites of Bread blog of bakeries who bake naturally leavened breads

Disclaimer:  Sadder-Wiser does not collect any affiliation fees for listing businesses in the directory.
This list is not complete, please contact us if you have something to contribute! While we take every opportunity to learn of more grain-goings-on and will add businesses as we find more, we need help from you, the locals.